Check for reposts or find past Reddit threads for videos/pictures/articles.
Do you,
• Often like to check if that article you're reading has been submitted to your favorite Subreddit?
• Love discovering new subreddits?
• Search Reddit for random things at 3 AM in the morning?
• Hate reposters and/or hate being a reposter?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions then this app is for you! Search For Reddit shows up on the share menu in your phone allowing you to share links and text to the app. It will search for matching past threads. The results of the search show as a popup so you don't have to even leave your current app.
Searches may be edited with the big blue button on the popup. Results can be filtered by post time and sorted by relevance, votes and comments. You can also open the app directly and enter your queries.
Search for Reddit has been featured on -
→ Drippler -
→ Guidingtech -
This app works from the share menu of any app (such as Youtube, Chrome, any Reddit app etc.)